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The reason we call it "Inuyasha Fun"


What type of 'Inukyo' fan are you?

You're a true-blue Inukyo fan. Congratulations!

You are powerful, but can be stubborn and temperamental.  You seem to have a little of a non-caring attitude.  However, deep down, you have a bit of a soft spot for those you have become attached to.

WHEEEE!! You're Shippou, you cute, happy,
candy-loving thing you. You're rather smart,
but a big coward, though you act tough for your
friends. You like to play tricks on people,
don't you?

20 Q Inuyasha Personality Quiz-PICTURES!
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.:What Inuyasha Character are you:.(Gurlz)
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You are Kikyou!!
Which Inuyasha Character Are You?

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